Warm words

The home will bring a new spirit to the whole community, a spirit of inclusion, acceptance and hope.

Doron Marom, Chairman

I joined Belev Raanana when I understood the intentions of its members, and saw their immense efforts on behalf of their cause. Having participated in the establishment of social nonprofits in the past, I could see that this organization, even though it was quite new, was already very effective in its endeavors.

As a citizen of this country, I feel it's important for me to contribute my share to the discussion, and more significantly to the actions, that define our role in caring for the weaker members of our society.
As the father of a disabled young man, It's important for me to know that when I grow old, and after I die, someone will be there to care for my son, provide all his needs, understand his difficulties, and even tuck him in every night.

The residential project we are building pioneers new paths and concepts, and I am proud to take part in the unique social endeavors of Belev Raanana. It is thus a great honor for me to invite you to join our efforts. Together we will change a lacking environment, and work for the improvement of our society.

Lorre Goldberg, Founding member

My name is Lorre Goldberg, and I am one of the founders of the parents' NPO Belev Raanana. I joined the organization in order to build a home for our daughter Liora, who was born with Rett syndrome and struggled with many hardships all her life. But in the spring of 2014, when she was only 14, our beloved Liora passed away, leaving us brokenhearted.

Today, even though my own daughter will never enjoy the place we are building, I feel highly committed to my activities at Belev Raanana. I carry on for the sake of Liora's friends, so much in need of a home that caters to their needs, in a caring community, close to their parents and families.

On behalf of all our children, and in the name of my beloved daughter Liora, I now ask all of you: Please help us build this important and special place, which reflects and celebrates Liora's spirit – a spirt of light and love, of generosity and hope.

Alex Daulby, Founding member

My name is Alex Daulby. I am a businessman residing in Raanana and one of the founders of the Belev Raanana NPO.
Not long ago my family faced a painful dilemma: we were looking for a home for our daughter, a sweet, adorable girl with an intellectual disability. Since at the time of our search there was no suitable solution for her needs in our community, we had to find one elsewhere. This experience reinforced our awareness of the importance of the initiative and activities of Belev Raanana.

Today, after years of hard work, we, at Belev Raanana, see with pride and satisfaction how the vision gradually becomes a reality. Planning is already underway, and we know that this building will be much more than concrete, bricks and walls.

The complex we are building will bring a new spirit to the whole community, a spirit of inclusion, acceptance and hope.
I invite you all to partner with us in our innovative social enterprise.

Jean Judes, Beit Issie Shapiro

As I write these words, my heart overflows with love and pride. I think of our children, who took their first steps here at Beit Issie Shapiro, and have now become young women and men. I am thrilled at the prospect of a promising future for these young people - thanks to the initiative and effort of their parents at the Belev Raanana NPO.

For many years we have provided these enterprising parents with professional advice, helping them transform their vision into a reality: a home for their adult children in Raanana. I have enormous respect for them and for their serious and thorough approach to their complex mission. Their decision to work in close collaboration with the professional agencies, in both the local and government spheres, has contributed most significantly to the implementation of the project at the highest level.

I have no doubt that this unique top-quality residential complex will serve as a model for many professionals and parents all over Israel. Thanks to this initiative, our young adults will be able to live their lives as fully accepted and integrated members of the community.

I believe with all my heart that the people of Raanana, as well as many others, both in Israel and overseas, will deeply identify with this inspiring dream, and lend a helping hand to make it come true.

Efrat Weinberg, Agam School

Agam School is a special education community school in Raanana, striving to lead its graduates to a life of health, with quality of life and a sense of belonging and inclusion in the community. We act in faith, respect and love for all, out of a deep sense of responsibility and commitment towards our students and their families, working to bring to light the strengths and abilities of every one of our students. We regard the road taken after graduation as a very important stage in the students' cycle of life.

Some of the candidates for the new home's are graduates of Agam. Their parents, today active members of the Belev Raanana NPO, also did a great deal for our school.

We warmly support the establishment of a residential complex adapted to our graduates' needs - the outcome of the important initiative of Belev Raanana.


Contact information

Israela Ringham-Levi
[email protected]

Doron Marom
[email protected]

Nadine Zar
[email protected]


Note: All applicants will be screened by objective placement committees, as required by Israel’s Ministry of Social Services.

Belev Raanana
Registered nonprofit 580490605
Donations are tax deductible (Clause 46A)